Saturday, December 22, 2001

Still the damn empty template box. What am I supposed to do, create a whole HTML all by myself ? I'm sure I'd get a bang out of this (God have I picked up more expressions from "Catcher in the rye" than I thought I did) but well, I do have a life, ya know...
Nose still running.
Eyes itching from staring at the computer screen for so long - Myst III is an awesome game, but way too complicated for my small brain. And when I'm stuck, I keep going in circles until I find something. Circle after circle, after circle... And then I get tired of circling around and I search the net for a hint or even the whole solution. And then I go back to the game. And get stuck again. Circle, after circle, after circle... Back to the net. And to the game. And to the net. And to the game. Circle after circle, after circle... Whew.
Au fait, si les personnes à qui j'ai envoyé le lien finissent par venir faire leur tour (et je vous avertis que si vous le faites pas, je vais le prendre très, mais très personnel :)), vous allez pouvoir apprécier l'ironie : je suis pas capable de dévisser la nouvelle vis de mon piercing ! Mais comme ça coûte 10$ la perdre, je crois que je vais endurer ! J'ai tellement gossé dessus tantôt que je me rappelle même plus de quel bord il faut tourner pour dévisser... et à partir de ça, je fais un lien avec la «règle de la main droite», c'est-à-dire avec le cours de maths, c'est-à-dire avec le cours de physique, c'est-à-dire avec les notes qui devraient rentrer bientôt... et là je stresse !!!
Wow, some of this was in the purest Québec slang - a challenge for Mara ? After all, you are coming to Québec soon, might as well start practicing right away... ;)
*sits in the corner and wait for off line friends to come around.*
*prepares baseball bat in case they don't*
Something's wrong...
I'm trying to edit the template of the blog, and all the edit page will show me is an empty box.
Why there are days when one should remain in bed...
Went to bed last night : couldn't sleep before around midnight. Dreamt maths results were in and I had 27%. Makes no sense, but still enough to scare me as to the actual result.
Woke up this morning : runny nose.
Went to work : broke a cup, cut my hand and hit my right elbow twice, practically got sexually harassed by my boss, hyperventilated all the time and lost the little screwing thing on my belly piercing. Had to pay 10$ for a new one. I would call this robbery. (note from my non-bilingual self : isn't it, like, totally hilarious that "visser" in French is "to screw" in English ? I never knew there was a, um, non-vulgar use for that word...)
Now I'm back home and I'm waiting for the roof to fall on my head or something.

Friday, December 21, 2001

Ah ! J'ai eu 86% en espagnol !
Je suis super dé-çue !!! Je voulais toper le 90%, moi ! C'est pas juste !
La bonne nouvelle c'est que la moyenne est de 62%... mais je boude quand même !!!
Whew !
Finally got that thing to look kinda like I want it to, I'll change it again later, but that's it for now. I'll dream about HTML tonight.
Un petit mot en français pour notre pauvre Anne-Marie nationale qui doit se sentir perdue entourée d'anglais - j'espère que tu apprécies ! :)
Well, it took me forever to decide, but I finally started a blog !
Not exactly too sure yet what I'm gonna put in here. But be prepared to see a lot of unlinked stuff, lyrics to rants to simple, boring episodes of my life, both in French and English since I haven't decided yet. :)
Anyways, I'll be back to post a bit more about myself later, now I'm just gonna try to get used to how that blog thing works.