Friday, July 20, 2018

Selon l'avis populaire, paraîtrait que mon rôle, à titre de plus jeune membre de mon équipe, serait d'être "enthousiaste et un peu nounoune".
It may be hard to believe, but I still have these shoes. They are still fantabulous, but they are mostly worn out. I keep wearing them because I love them so much, haven't been able to find a replacement and can't find it in me to throw them away. And in the last two years, I have gotten compliments on them from people I generally don't interact with while walking on my floor, obviously, but also while going down the stairs to the lobby. If that's not a sure sign that these shoes are not ready to go, I don't know what is.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

And there are forces of conflict
Taking portions of my mind
In whose realm laced with trickery
The fragments I must find
And I can almost out run you
And those stalking memories
Did I somehow become you
Without realizing
Found a little patch of heaven now
So then I'm gonna turn oysters in the sand
'Cause I'm working my way back
I'm working my way back to me again
Not every girl is a pearl
With these ruby slippers
With these ruby slippers
So then I'm gonna turn oysters in the sand
Not every girl is popular
Not every girl is a pearl
With these ruby slippers
With these ruby slippers
So then I 'm gonna turn oysters in the sand
In the sand
In the sand
So I just printed out superhero templates because this morning Coco decided he did not want a Planes birthday cake after all and requested a "Flash and Superman" cake. I told him I had already bought Planes decorations to put on the cake, but the first thing I did when I arrived at work was figure out how I could make the double superhero cake happen. That's motherhood for you.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Suite à l'épisode ci-dessous -

Quartz : Ya rien de plus bizarre qui peut m'arriver de la journée.
Raiontzukai : C'est risqué comme déclaration.
I'm wearing a tan sweater today, and I was just told I look like a caramel M&M.
I took Coco to the optometrist this morning. I was a bit nervous and pretty certain he would need glasses. I mean, both Raiontzukai and I have strong prescriptions and I got my glasses at age 5 while Raiontzukai got his at age 7.

Well what do you know, Coco can see just fine. I am flab.ber.gas.ted. I had even prepped him by telling him there was a possibility the optometrist would tell him he'd need glasses.

If you need me, I'll be out buying a lottery ticket.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

E (s'adressant à moi et un collègue) : On est une équipe trop facile à gérer. On devrait se chicaner. Vous devriez avoir une aventure.

C'est elle qui, il y a six mois de ça, me disait qu'elle ferait preuve de compréhension à mon égard si je me prenais un amant. Manifestement, elle n'est pas satisfaite de mes choix relationnels.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Some people can't help but be ignorant. Some people choose to be ignorant by refusing to so much as consider other people's opinions or experiences - or simply raise their noses up from their belly buttons.

That's you.