Saturday, June 14, 2008

Raiontzukai and I are officially moving in a month!!! We just signed our lease - we are moving less than 10 buildings away from where I am living right now, how hilarious is that? And we're going to have a swimming pool in our yard!!!!


Friday, June 13, 2008

Quand j'étais petite, je trouvais profondément injuste que mes parents aient deux fêtes chaque année, soit leur anniversaire, puis la fête des mères ou la fête des pères.

Eh bien, vous saurez que la semaine prochaine, c'est la semaine de la fonction publique, gang. Dans les dents ! En plus de mon anniversaire, j'ai maintenant toute une semaine en mon honneur !

Je n'ai rien contre les esthéticiennes. C'est seulement un adon que la mienne est un peu nounouille sur les bords. Gentille et compétente, mais nounouille.

Quartz : Eh bien, l'Écosse est plus au Nord, alors il faisait assez froid.
Nounouille : La Nouvelle-Écosse ?
Quartz : L'Écosse.
Nounouille : Là où il y a les Écossais ?
Quartz : ... euh, oui.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I am unable of getting addicted to cafeine.

I started drinking coffee in Uni, but I never had it on a daily basis until almost two years ago, when I started working here. A few months back I decided to stop drinking coffee on weekends so as to limit the cafeine that got into my system.

It wasn't a problem.

Last month, I had I think about 3 cups of coffee - and again, there was nothing hard about not getting coffee every morning.

I'm very happy about it, don't get me wrong, but I'm beginning to wonder whether it means something's wrong with me.

I mean, from what I've learned in cégep, the human body is equipped with cafeine receptors which are activated by, obviously, cafeine. They remain activated for a while after you've had cafeine and this is what causes the addiction.

Does my situation mean that I have malfunctioning cafeine receptors???

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Okay, Bee's exhausted.
Read on a sign in London and eager to print it and put it up on my wall at work :

Another month ends.
All targets met.
All systems working.
All customers satified.
All staff eagerly enthusiastic.
All pigs fed and ready to fly.

You know you've been gone for a long time when, upon your return to work, it takes you over 15 minutes simply to go to the washroom (or the toilets, as the British would say) because everyone stops you to ask you how you've been!

(I WILL post a summary of the trip, I just haven't had time to do that yet.
Rob, you will be glad to know that I have actually met you in Scotland!)

Monday, June 09, 2008

Ben calvaire.

Vous vous souvenez du ticket que j'ai pogné pour un stop mal fait juste avant de partir en voyage, celui où j'étais en Ontario, avec un phare brûlé et sans avoir mon permis de conduire sur moi ?

J'ai constaté pendant mon voyage que mon paiement avait été remboursé sur ma carte de crédit. Ça fait donc environ une semaine que ça m'inquiète et que je me demande pourquoi.

J'ai eu la réponse en consultant mes courriels du bureau : MON TICKET A ÉTÉ ANNULÉ !

Je ne sais pas pourquoi, et je m'en fiche. Honnêtement, ça vaut presque un "vive l'Ontario", ça..... mais seulement presque.
Produit de longs trajets en autobus et d'un vol de 7h pour une fille qui se cherche encore

I don't have a past. I have baggage. And while I wait for the present to become the past and to turn into something I can rely on, my only past is in my head.

Still. Yes, still - given sufficient time, I find all of it inside me. I couldn't say I remember, 'cuz I've never forgotten - I just turn my head and it's there.

As a result, I will always have to buy insurance. Always have to turn around. Yes, I was better, I rose above, but I'm tired of greatness - all I want now is average mediocrity.

People turn around simultaneously all the time, there's nothing to it. Until one can stare the other in the face, they switch to invisible ink and the game begins. They turn into banjos; someone pretends and someone else sets the table for dares.

How deep do you wanna go? 'Cuz I'l go there if I can

The game and all that ensued - the almost forgotten piece of clothing, the day of running around and hiding, the words that were never asked for but nonetheless spoken (out of a sense of obligation or honesty?) - are the only soothing part of this past I stumble upon

How sick is that?
But then again, I'll always be a little bit sick.
This blogger just got her second A as a Law student!!!!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Your beloved Quartzy is back home. Very tired, but alive and well.

She has one piece of writing to post, which she produced during the flight this afternoon and will post later.

More to come - of course!