Friday, April 26, 2002

There was something I wanted to say... Can't remember. Maybe I'm too tired.

Funny how we finished much earlier, and I will end up going to bed at the same damn time.

Thursday, April 25, 2002

So I'm leaving the world of the internet again... for the next 3 days. Two last shows !

Parlant de chant, j'ai commencé à travailler mon vibrato... cé tof en chien, j'ai jamais essayé de le contrôler avant... On voit à quel point j'avais un prof de chant sérieux. Non mais je sais pas, lui, il était vraiment gentil, il m'a aidé beaucoup, sauf qu'une fois que j'ai pogné le tic d'articuler mes voyelles comme du monde, il a tout arrêté... Alors je dois tout faire moi-même, maintenant ! Travailler mes notes graves, par exemple. Ça, c'est plutôt chiant parce que ça me tente pas et que cé très tof, mais bon.

J'ai aussi le plaisir d'annoncer à tous que, après quoi, 5 ans ? j'ai enfin fini par comprendre la petit technique de chanter du ventre, samedi passé. Faut le faire ! J'aime pas beaucoup ça vu que je suis pas habituée, mais je sais à quel point c'est pratique... J'essaie de m'habituer à utiliser cette technique-là tranquillement... mais j'ai la tête dure, mettons !

Bon, après ce petit cours de chant, je vous laisse, je dois partir d'ici une vingtaine de minutes !

Hourrah pour les shows !

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

Damn it, Blogger won't publish normally...

That's when you realize that free services are worth what you pay for.

And then your damn computer crashes so it takes lightyears to type 3 lines.
Isn't it weird how some people tell you you are awesome and different and everything is more fun when you're there, and how some people think you're nearly the most beautiful being that ever was, and yet...
Yet some people hate you deeply because you are who you are, and some people just don't see anything that good in you.

Isn't it weird as well how you always end up with the same kind of people ?
I don't know. Maybe everyone is even more the same than I thought they were.
This semester I met this teacher who is so much like a teacher I had in high school. They look the same, they talk the same, they act the same... And I knew that this teacher would like me if I acted like I did with my high school teacher. I know that if I do a certain thing, he'll laugh, for example.
Maybe there is a pattern in people. Once you find and get to know one pattern, you know exactly how to behave with those who follow that pattern.
How hurtful when you wish you could stand out.

Each person taken separately does follow a pattern. Sometimes it's harder to get, but there's always a pattern.
I guess there are some patterns some people will never get.
I know some patterns I have a hard time getting, and then it takes me a while to be at ease with the person. Question is : I am sensitive and I "sense" things from people. That's how I "feel" patterns in one's personnality. But does it mean I'm lucky because some people will never get and/or see them, or does it mean I'm less good because some people because I stop to make sense out of the patterns I see when others don't necessarily need to do so ?

I shouldn't think. Sometimes I go too far. :)
Am I not pretty enough
Is my heart too broken
Do I cry too much
Am I too outspoken
Don't I make you laugh
Should I try it harder
Why do you see right through me ?
Oh. And by the way.

I do not appreciate notes in my guestbook telling me that my site is nice when the person signing didn't even take a look at it.
I have stats, remember ? And they're telling me that you Randilyn person didn't even view this page.
And we have plans

Next semester, I'm trying again for the musical, and I should make it.
The semester after that, I'm either gonna not go to school and just work and do the musical, *OR* go to Uni, studying probably Translation, probably in Montréal, or maybe Sherbrooke if anyone who has money to give me comes around.
The summer after that, Mylène and I are leaving in a car, and going all the way through Canada. (my little dream, remember ? i talked about it a month or two ago)

I have no idea how much of this will actually happen, but I have plans.
It's almost as if things were finally falling into place.

Tuesday, April 23, 2002


Mon examen de stats s'est presque bien passé. Je crois qu'il était vraiment facile, pour quelqu'un qui aurait vraiment travaillé. Les moyennes vont être fortes, d'après moi...
Il y a juste la maudite démo qui valait 20 points que j'avais aucune idée comment faire... Mais bon. Je vais peut-être passer, si j'ai de la chance... J'aimerais vraiment passer ce maudit cours-là.

Maintenant il faudrait que je travaille pour mon forum de français. Ça me tente vraiment pas, surtout que je sais pas ce que je cherche..


Sunday, April 21, 2002

Bon. D'accord. Au moins j'ai tout lu Dr. Jekyll et Mr. Hyde. C'est d'ailleurs très fort.

Je vais donc étudier mes stats demain et mardi, et je ferai ma recherche pour mon français, euh, mardi soir ? Hmm... En tk. J'vais m'arranger.

Et je m'en vais tellement me coucher.
Ouf !

Dodo ! Dodo !

Me suis levée à 10:30 ce matin, j'ai commencé à lire mon livre de français, puis je suis allée m'étendre dans ma chambre pour quelques minutes... et je me suis réveillée quelques deux heures et demie plus tard.

Alors dans quelques minutes je vais aller manger un petit quelque chose pour souper, et je vais tenter de rester réveillée assez longtemps pour avancer mon livre, faire de la recherche sur internet pour mon forum de français, et étudier mes stats !