Friday, February 23, 2018

::insert overwhelming urge to hear the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack::
Quote du jour, par la collègue que je vais déranger avec les questions existentielles que je n'arrive pas à régler dans mes dossiers :

Ce sont pas des questions faciles que tu me poses. Je me sens pas compétente.
That moment when your boyfriend has been battling with a debilitating fever for three days and you realize your throat is beginning to ache.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Nous partons pour le Japon dans moins de deux mois maintenant, ce qui fait que je suis en mode vapeur planification depuis quelques semaines. C'est pour ça que j'ai acheté des pochettes pour organiser mes bagages, des ustensiles pour les enfants, des vêtements pour Coco, etc.

Et chaque fois qu'un nouvel article fait son entrée chez nous et que j'explique aux enfants que c'est pour le Japon, Bout d'Chou, qui n'a évidemment encore aucune espèce de notion du temps, me demande : "Tout de suite? On va au Japon tout de suite?"
I'm a mom because #890, I actually forgot to wash my hair last night and only realized when I had to get up at 1 AM for Bout d'Chou who, although far from being potty-trained at night, was requesting to freaking use the toilet.
And yet again, I was shipped an item other than the one I ordered. This time by Old Navy. I'm guessing it's a kind of human mistake that must happen a lot, but because it's never happened to me before, and has happened twice in two months, I am in utter disbelief.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

I can't because they're red and I love them...
Also -

This is like a toxic relationship. Everytime it comes back on, I'm happy, and I believe it, and I forgive it, and then it stops working again and I'm destroyed.
Quote du Jour, brought to you by my ongoing network problems -

Today might be the day I start drinking on the job.

Monday, February 19, 2018

So it is now 3:15, people, and so far I have had exactly one hour of working network access at work today.

Actually, the only reason I am blogging about it right now is because a bright colleague of mine suggested I docked my laptop onto an absent colleague's docking station to see if it works. Oh, yes, because I am one of the few chosen lucky ones on this floor whose network access is non-existent.

Also, Absent Colleague is left-handed and uses an intense ergonomic left-handed mouse and

And now I am off to do some actual work.