Sunday, February 17, 2002

Ah mais c'est même pas drôle !
Les feuilles de papier ne devraient pas avoir droit à la recto-verso-abilité (copyright@Quartz pour ce mot-là)

I have a rehearsal today.
Last Wednesday, they gave us 3 sheets : one with the order of the scenes and the dates we were gonna work on each, and the 2 others with the details of each rehearsal day, like at what time we needed who to practice what. But that detailed schedule only started on the 24th, and no one had told us anything for this week.
So I get up this morning.
Decide to check once more on my schedule sheet. Today's didn't appear overnight.
Decide to check on the first sheet... and oh suprise, I discover that they don't need me for the songs we are practicing on February 17 (AM). And that they do for the songs we are practicing on February 17 (PM). But why didn't they tell us this ?
Then you know what I do ?


I turned the damn sheet around.

They printed the beginning of the detailed schedule at the back of the first sheet ! And I never was aware of this !
So I only have to go at 1 this afternoon, and I got up early for nothing, and it's reaaaaally not funny !!!

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