Saturday, April 06, 2002

How, um... I don't exactly know what adjective to use here.

I have an uncle who's married to an English woman, and she can't speak French (although she apparently understands it a little). I don't know if I'll make it in time for the reception, but if I do, my parents are gonna want me to show off my E n g l i s h.
Can you believe it ?
Because apparently, I am one of the best in English in my family.
The difference is that I hope to be able to practice my English (the only person I can speak it with for now is from Thailand. This meaning English is her 3rd language and she speaks with this terrible, terrible accent.). But I'm not sure I'll speak much if the whole family is waiting to see how good I really am.


At least (I think) we can cancel the bombs and guns that were ordered for World War III.
My father is still talking to me.

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