Tuesday, November 12, 2002

I am feeling soooooo sick.

It's been hurting behind my eyes ever since yesterday morning. (Hypocondriac moment of the day : Did you know that the sugar levels of a diabetic person are too high, they have a pain behind their eyes ? I read that somewhere. And my grandmother is diabetic.)

And this morning I got up and went to the bathroom, only to get so nauseous I left all my stuff there and went back to my bed.
I took two Tylenols to make the pain go away (hasn't worked yet) and I stayed in bed for a whole hour. Now I'm that less nauseous (luckily, because I couldn't find any Gravol or something in the house) but I keep alternating between being too cold and too hot - but the thermometer said I was 37,88 C, so I'm supposed to be fine.

I should eat something, because I haven't had anything since noon yesterday, but I'm not sure I'm feeling hungry.

So yeah, that was today's story...

Sur une note plus joyeuse, je vous annonce à tous que j'ai changé mon password de compte Bravenet.

Bordel que j'ai chaud

Et finalement, je vous souhaite à tous une bonne journée, parce que quand j'ai chaud comme ça, je suis pas capable de penser ! Et je pense que je vais aller manger un petit morceau, en espérant que ça me donnera pas encore plus mal au coeur.

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