Sunday, May 25, 2003

Argh !

Yesterday I was sick, this morning (and all through last night), I am freakingly sick.

Yesterday I woke up at 5:40 and had barely slept at all because I kept waking up to blow my nose. Last night before going to bed I took that child medicine that really knocks me out everytime I take it (yeah, pathetic, I know, but what can you do, that normal Dimetapp thing does absolutely nothing for me). It worked until about 3 o'clock this morning. Then I went back to my state of needing to blow my nose everytime I was on the verge of falling asleep. Until 5:35, at which time I got up. I'm working again at 8:00 this morning. Luckily I know I can count on Ms. Adrenaline, but still. I think I'll be carrying my kleenex box.

At some points I vaguely felt like there was some liquid in my ear, which brings back memories of the tons of ear infections I had as a child. My ears also block temporarily sometimes when I cough. This is not good.

Anyways, I'll quit complaining for now and give out some news about my life, which I haven't done in a little while. I might've gotten used to not posting while I was gone. Anyways.

I started my search for a room for rent last week, and made a ton of phone calls. I stumbled upon some scary folks, and freaks (yeah, we don't rent to women, it's all men here" when the message on the answering machine is said by a woman's voice) and most of the time the rooms were already rented or it was too expensive (350$ a month plus an extra monthly fee for the parking), or there was no parking so up until now I've only visited three places with Peanut and my mother. First place we saw was 300$ a month, but it was very neat, with everything included - the only bothering point being that there was no stove. And feeding yourself on a daily basis with only a microwave could get annoying. But still. Kraft Dinners and Sidekicks and Alphagettis all can be made with a microwave, and I don't ask for much more.

The other place was 285$ a month, and was perfect. Or almost. Internet provided, huge TV, laundry - except that, well, I'm very shy, and I'm not much of a social person. And the guy there was saying that at least for supper, his parents would cook for me, and they were the ones going to the grocery and then I could go and eat whatever I want. Which is neat - but first, I'm picky when it comes to food. Second, I'd feel so very uneasy feeding myself from the food someone else bought ! And maybe I could manage to do my own grocery and it'd probably be fine with them - but there's only one fridge. That doesn't leave out a lot of space for my food.

Last place was 60$ a week, which is the second lowest we've seen (the other being 225$ a month, owned by the freaks who didn't rent to women) and it's actually an appartment. The girl there is renting the apartment and she lost her roomate, so we'd be basically sharing an apartment, the only difference being my name isn't on the lease and I can leave whenever I want. It's close to a bus stop, the gym I'm going to go to and the grocery. The thing is, my "room" is basically a corner of the apartment she put a curtain around. And the curtain doesn't entirely close the space. And I have to carry my own bed with me. But it's a pretty cool place, cheap, and the girl is about my age and seemed nice. Plus if I'm taken into the co-op program at Uni, after a year I'll have to move every 4 months, so what's one year of living behind a curtain ?
I'm thinking about picking that place - except that she still has to check whether or not she can have a parking for me.

Other than that, visiting rooms with my mother can be one of the most embarrassing experiences of your life.

So. I've been up for an hour now, I'll go get dressed very slowly so maybe by the time it's done I'll have to go to work !

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