Sunday, June 15, 2003


Father's Day. Talk about a damned day to work in a restaurant !

But other than the fact that my feet hurt like hell and that I'm very, very tired (having worked / ran around for 5 hours and having gone to sleep at two o'clock this morning), everything's good.

I got my apartment now ! (I can't remember if I'd talked about it in French or English, so I'll have to summarize the story so everybody can get it) I was looking for a room to live in for the next year, and we got to visiting this girl, who's a bit older than I am and who's renting a room in her apartment. Actually, it isn't even a room, she just put up this curtain to separate the living room in two and my living area is behind that curtain. You might think those are horrible conditions, but
a) it's for one year maximum ;
b) the girl goes to school in the morning and then to work at night so she basically is never there, so I'll have some privacy* anyway ;
c) it's the cheapest place we've visited ;
d) and it's an actual apartment !!!! This meaning that I won't have to ask permission as to how often, for example, my boyfriend can sleep over and everything. Of course I'll have to see if it bothers my roomate and everything, but it's in no way the equivalent of living in somebody else's house.

So everything's planned out now. I have a place to stay and my Uni schedule until next summer. All I need now is a job. I am so excited.

*The presence of this asterisk only serves the purpose of reminding me of the last traumatizing grammar lesson Rob taught me.

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