Tuesday, August 17, 2004

That navbar (the silver thing up there) is quite nifty, if you ask me. Only thing is that I had to slightly modify my template else it went over my poll and my marquee. Hope it only happens to templates people create.

Actually, what I really like about that navbar is that you can search blogs with it. I don't know how well it actually works, shouldn't be too bad as the search is powered by Google, but I think that, for once, that was a good, useful idea.

Merci Peanut pour le mot exact à mettre pour le tuyau. J'avais l'intention de regarder dans le livret d'instruction, mais bon, je l'ai pas encore fait.
Maintenant, va falloir que tu perdes ton habitude chronique de mettre un "e" à la fin de chaque mot.

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