Thursday, November 01, 2007

I finally gave in to Mel and decided we'd adopt a little girl together if neither of us has found a suitable genitor within two years...!


Anonymous said...

You know, beyond the potential legal complications and the fact that everyone would then think of you as a lesbian couple, it really can't be all that hard to find yourself a sperm donor. Even if you don't want to marry the guy you could have fun for a night, get pregnant, have your own genetic offspring and avoid the whole adoption process. It can't be that difficult to find a guy willing to have a one-night stand...

Anonymous said...

Yeah but to find a guy that you're 100% sure is STD-free to have "unprotected" fun for a night is something else...

I've come across a couple of girls in my life who did the "get hit and run" thing to get pregnant... always thought they were the most selfish and lowest kind of human being on earth (and they had the stories to prove it..), I pity the poor kid who will be raised by such a girl...

I'm pretty sure Quartz will eventually find Mr. Right... If not, adopting and passing as a lesbian couple seems pretty cool to me :P... who's the guy and who's the gal between you 2???

Anonymous said...

hihi, d'accord avec toi Virtualogik! C'est pourquoi on a décidé d'adopter ensemble Quartzy et moi! On est pas le genre à faire un coup pareil à un mec...
Pour ce qui est de qui est qui dans le "couple", je crois que Quartzy a très bien su démontrer sa virilité jusqu'à maintenant! ;o)

Quartz said...

If opening water bottles for other people and forgetting we have plans on a specific date makes me the guy of the couple, then so be it - I don't care, because I'm still much more evolved than any man on this earth and Mel is lucky to have me! ;)

Mylène said...

Mais voyons Quartz, t'as oublié l'offre de Gab ? Je suis certaine qu'il accepterait et je suis relativement certaine qu'il est... proche. Et on s'entend que ça ferait vraiment, mais vraiment de beaux enfants !!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope she finds Mr. Right, too, but 2 years seems like a very short and arbitrary limit.

"Yeah but to find a guy that you're 100% sure is STD-free to have "unprotected" fun for a night is something else..."

Not if you look in the right places. I bet you can find a nearby college with a computer lab that has 20 or more virginal geeks for you to choose from. They're smart, safe, and grateful!

And who says it has to be only a one-night stand? It could be a long term relationship that with someone you know you'll never marry. Hey, it could be with someone who is already married!

It's just so much easier for women...