Monday, June 01, 2009

Gee, is it the 21st century already?

As you may or may not know, I'm leaving for Greece in 10 days now. I'm therefore working on the last small details, such as a calling card. I usually don't call home when I'm away, I actually barely ever go online, but seeing as my dad is sick and will be getting the test results telling him what effect the chemo has had, I plan to make an exception this time.

So I began researching the calling-from-Greece issue. I opted for the Canada Direct service, which requires you to get a calling card free of charge and bills the calls you make directly on your account. So last night, I went online, read the Canada Direct website in its entirety (which isn't much) and ordered a Bell Canada calling card online.

Yes, I ordered a calling card online. It's sorta pathetic, but this is the 21st century, folks. Shopping online is the greatest invention since sliced bread - you get your merchandise at home, you don't have to make conversation with some representative/salesperson, you don't have to wait in line to get ahold of said representative/salesperson... it's just amazing. And when shipping's free, what more could you ask for?

And yes, I know, we all hate Bell. I do, anyways. Only problem is, the Canada Direct service only works with 6 (or is it 5?) company calling cards in Canada - and by "in Canada", I actually mean ACROSS Canada, so the only options in Québec are Bell and Telus. I was going to go with Telus, but as I've got my residential phone account with Bell already, I didn't see the point of creating an account with Telus, so yes, I chose the lowest low. (Sh)It happens.

After I got home from work, this evening, I checked my email. Bell had sent me a message to confirm my order. And what do you know, in this ever-evolving era of technology, guess what the delivery timeframe for my calling card is?

Seriously! Two months! For a calling card!
I created a Vegas photo album online, which I sent for processing Friday night and it was shipped today! I ordered a battery for my cell phone through ebay last week and I received this morning! Four to six weeks for a calling card, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU BELL PEOPLE???

If you're all like Raiontzukai, you're probably wondering "well, can't you just go to a Bell store and get the calling card?". The answer is, I don't know, probably. I just never in a hundred years expected there to be such a gap between online and in-store service.

So yeah. I emailed Bell again asking them my what-the-hell-I'm-leaving-in-10-days-you-losers question, but I probably will end up stopping by the store this week...

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