Wednesday, May 16, 2018

This morning I biked to work. For reasons I will not get into, but that can best be summarized by "I don't want to die", on a specific section of my itinerary, which is about 500 meters long, I bike on the sidewalk. This is a sidekwalk that's easily six foot wide, so there is ample space for me to safely pass any pedestrians. And, being aware that I am not allowed there, I am extremely cautious and where it is not safe to pass, I will follow pedestrians from a safe distance without a word for as long as it takes without ever asking them to move.

Anyways. This morning, I passed a lady on that sidewalk. She and I were the only persons there, but she nevertheless felt compelled to make a comment that I could not make out (because, you know, 14 km/h). I only heard the word "sidewalk" and got her gist. Without glancing behing me, I raised my right arm to make a peace sign - which, I realized as I was raising my hand, might not be obvious as I was wearing my lobster gloves. I, however, would find it plain hilarious if someone tried to give me the finger with a lobster glove, so I figured she'd get it.

She didn't. I was much further away by then, so I only heard she was yelling something else at me. When I had to stop at a light, I looked back and saw she was being passed by two other cyclists who also did not feel like dying this morning. She was gesticulating and probably was pissed.

Which brings me to this: if you're going to comment someone's behaviour, especially when that behaviour has absolutely no effect on you, you should expect to get the finger. I know I would. This is why, personally, I only bitch at people when I have a clear case against their behaviour (remind me to tell you about when I yelled at the idiot who nearly ran Bout d'Chou over with her luggage cart while cutting the freaking line when we were at YYZ. In French AND in English. Because I like the confusion that yelling at people in a language they don't speak creates. Yes, I'm evil.). Last year, I saw a cyclist stop and start yelling at a pedestrian who had made a similar comment. My point is, it's not acceptable, but it's to be expected. So really, if you're looking to get into a pointless fight (because face it, no comment is going to make a cyclist change their ways in that particular spot - I personally am prepared to pay up to three fines a year for riding on the sidewalk), either you're a stuck-up bitch, or you're really unhappy, but either way, I pity you.

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