Monday, September 10, 2018

Parce que je me tanne pas d'avoir un bébé qui dit "oh mon dieu", ma quote du jour :
Bout d'Chou (après avoir enfilé une paire de nouveaux pantalons pour voir comment ils lui font) : Oh mon dieu, ils sont ben trop grands!

Also, if you're wondering, I ended up being able to participate in the contest I mentioned the other day, and Lali has repudiated our agreement, so the job of travel companion is available if any of you is interested - as soon as I win the cruise, that is. (I would bring Raiontzukai with me, but the cruise is meant for two, and very expensive, so I'm not sure bringing Coco and Bout d'Chou would be a possibility. Although that would mean the jobs of baby sitter or cruise-funds provider are also available, if they're your preferred options, people.)

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