Friday, October 19, 2018

Today, even the rain
Even the rain
Even the rain
Can cut me up...
I really need to tell you guys how much I love my Smartwool socks.

For years, I refused to buy any. They were just too expensive for my taste and I couldn't justify to myself spending so much on socks. Until CAA had a sale right before we went to Japan, just as I was packing up. As a rule, Raiontzukai and I do a lot of walking when traveling. I realized that the frequency of our travels made the purchase of quality socks worth it. I still couldn't justify buying the Smartwool socks at full price, but if they were discounted....

So I went to CAA and bought discounted Smartwool socks for myself and Raiontzukai.

And GOD I love them. They are the most comfortable thing I've ever put my feet in. They probably qualify as slippers. I love them so much, after we got back from Japan and CAA had another sale, I bought a couple more of them in a no-show style that I will bring in Portugal next summer.

But you must know that all three pairs I got for Raiontzukai DIED in Japan. As in, they had holes in them almost the second he put them on. While I was raving everyday about how I loved my socks, Raiontzukai found a new hole in his everytime he took his shoes off (which, in Japan, is pretty often).

The difference between my socks and his was, his were the more "urban", thinner style. That's really the only explanation I can come up with. So people, Smartwool socks are amazing, but make sure you get the thicker style.
Au cas où vous ne le sauriez pas, Coco, en intégrant le système scolaire, est venu grossir les rangs des enfants qui vendent du chocolat au profit de leur école. Du coup, j'ai moi-même joint les rangs des parents qui apportent au bureau le chocolat à vendre de leurs enfants. En découlent deux observations :

1. Il ne reste plus aujourd'hui qu'une seule barre de chocolat, et j'effectue un suivi scientifique de son état de vente en fonction de l'application de ce principe.

2. Parce que je fais confiance à mes collègues, j'ai laissé les chocolats et l'enveloppe avec les sous dans la cuisinette. Parce que je fais moins confiance à l'être humain, je prends soin de ranger le tout le vendredi en fin de journée. C'est comme ça que, vendredi dernier, j'ai constaté qu'une collègue, qui n'avait sans doute pas de sous sur elle au moment de sa rage de chocolat, avait laissé dans l'enveloppe une note avec son nom et "I owe you $3". Je n'ai rien à redire sur l'idée. Sauf que ça fait aujourd'hui une semaine de ça, et la note est toujours là. Pis il reste juste une barre de chocolat, je vous le rappelle. Ce qui veut dire que si ma collègue n'est pas venue payer sa foutue barre de chocolat au moment où la dernière barre sera vendue, faudra que j'aille lui demander mes sous. Pis sérieux, ma vie est vraiment trop importante pour que j'en consacre une partie à courir après 3$.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Catégorie, harcèlement en milieu de travail -

Quartz (after A has pretended to slap me with her gloves in front of numerous colleagues): Hey, there's a bunch of us here, why me?
A: Well, you know, you're the weakest link.
That moment when you find it appears you are expected to paint an Optimus Prime face on your child in the morning of Halloween while still managing for everyone to be on time at work/school/daycare.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

So it appears the reason my neck remains just as painful after I take medication just might be the fact that the Advil stored in my cabinet expired back in January.
So today I will be out here asking for your pity, dear readers, because due to a miscommunication (yeah, those are regular with young kids because they expect you to understand what they want to say even when they say the very opposite of what they mean), I spent twenty minutes trying to reason with a bawling Coco in the hallway to the school daycare while Bout d'Chou very patiently wandered on all fours in my general area hoinking (yes, as it turns out, he was a pig when he woke up this morning).

Also, I have a bad case of stiff neck that is entirely unaffected by medication.

Thank you.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Aujourd'hui, je suis allée à la conférence du Comité pancanadien de terminologie, qui portait sur la rédaction inclusive et par ricochet sur la réalité des personnes de diverses identités de genre, pis bon, je le savais déjà, mais je ne le mesurais pas autant, bien évidemment, mais maudit que ma vie est simple, gang. Pis je vous connais pas tous personnellement, mais ya des foutues bonnes chances que la vôtre aussi.

C'est ça, le privilège de la majorité : ça veut dire qu'on pense qu'on sait, mais qu'on ne sait pas vraiment, pis que c'est vraiment frappant quand on vous fout le nez dedans.