Saturday, November 07, 2020

 Dear American friends: good job. You made the right call - and for the first time in history, that is a matter that is completely devoid of subjectivity.

It's far from over, but you will be getting there.

This broken arrow needs heeding 
When great white fathers 
Your mistress is inequality 

Rash and reckless 
Won't get us 
To where we want to be 
Are we emancipators or oppressors 
Of lady liberty? 

Have we lost her? 
Have we lost her? 
Have we lost her?
This broken arrow needs heeding 
When great white fathers 
Our poisoned rivers feed your greed 

Rash and reckless 
Won't get us 
To where we want to be 
Ancient songlines are singing to wake 
Lady liberty 

She may seem weak 
We may be battle weary 
Still those songlines sing 
From our Great Lakes 
To our sacred Badlands 
Over sweet prairies 

No I'm not letting go 
I won't be silenced or frozen out 
By those who must account 
In our Senate 
And in the House 

We the people 
Dear judges 
Will be watching 
Over you 
Over you 

Have we lost her? 
Have we lost her?
This broken arrow needs heeding