Sunday, February 17, 2002

"he cambiado de correo por la mierda de propaganda que me llega, asi que tomar nota, aunke yo os voy a añadir como contactos y solo ltendreis que aceptarme."

Anyone can translate that for me ?
I met this guy on the internet, and his first language is Spanish, and we usually communicate in English, but that e-mail was addressed to a ton of people other than myself, so, um, yeah.
Given my Spanish baggage (exactly 4 months), it all looks like giberrish (sp ?) to me, but I think I understood the meaning though. But I am too lazy to go upstairs and get my dictionnary. So yeah, all help is accepted. Else I'll just assume what I think the e-mail means is right.
Btw, anyone knows como se puede hacer el tilde ? I can type it all by itself, like ~, but I can't get it over a letter. Which is not very useful.

So yeah. I need more Spanish classes.

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