Thursday, February 21, 2002

(Just noticed. Ain't it funny how I can go from a no-one-cares-about-me-and-I-am-so-hurting state to a who-cares-I'm-writing-anyway state so easily. But then again, I guess I'm weird.)
So. Yeah. I finished Riven a few minutes ago. And I am disappointed.
I mean the game in itself is awesome, better than Myst III. Everyone now knows how the end of Myst III traumatized me - Riven is kinda the opposite. As I said, the puzzles and everything are amazing, and I shrieked all through the game, and I even litterally hyperventilated at one point this evening (maybe it's just me, but those roller-coaster-like rides scared the hell out of me, and tonight I got shot by some person who spoke a weird language, and then I fainted, and when I woke I was emprisonned, and then some woman who spoke the same weird language came to me... a-ny-way. It's freaky and I'll dream a whole lot tonight. Go ahead and laugh at me.) (I wonder... maybe me turning up the volume of the speakers to the maximum point has something to do with it ?)
But the ending ? I won't say what it is - although I am aching to - but it's not half as good as Myst III's. But ultimately it's really worth it. So yeah. That was Quartz's review of the day.

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