Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Today :
One-hour long physics lab test (damn it, something happened, some alert window popped on my screen, but I was typing and it disappeared. Damn it, what was it ???) which anxietied ( 'tis so a word) the hell out of me because some multimeter wasn't working. I just thought I was doing something wrong before someone noticed that the teacher simply had forgotten to plug in half the multimeters... So yeah. Other than that, it went pretty good.
Then, went to the computer lab to look for and mostly print some information about Alzheimer, and got two different computers crash on me 3 damn times each when I wanted to print, so I eventually got mad and decided I'd do that on Friday. (Because, as I haaaaaate to remind you, I have no school on Thursdays)
Then 2 hours of doing nothing or so, I free-wrote a little, and then I found friends and we did nothing together.
Then it was musical rehearsal for an hour and a half.
And then two hours of French.
And then bus ride home.
And then small dinner.
And then computer time.
That brings us to, um, now.

Je me suis aussi fait traiter de gothique, ce matin. Assez troublant, merci. Je devrais aller essayer de m'asseoir avec la big giga table de gothiques au café, voir si je passerais.
Quoique si je passais, je me poserais de sérieuses questions.
C'est pas parce qu'on aime le noir qu'on est gothique, non, ou bien j'ai pas compris ?

Et au fait, ma cote n'a pas changée depuis hier malgré les dires de Cath B, alors elle est toujours aussi laide, et si je me fichais pas de mes résultats scolaires, je serais pas très fière de moi !

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