Sunday, March 17, 2002

Scene I
The scene takes place in the school's cafeteria. A few tables are pushed to the sides. There are plastics sheets on the floor, as well as Scott Towels rolls and other unidentified pieces of junk. There are 6 tall cylinders and about 10 students apparently working on them. They're wearing old jeans and T-Shirts, and they have white stains all over their clothes and body.
Boy I (dipping a sheet of Scott Towel in a thick, white liquid) That glue is disgusting to touch.
Girl I It's only water and flour.
Boy II And probably some kind of glue, huh ?
Girl I (confused) Um... yeah.
Girl II It gets all stuck up on my hands.
Boy I And you're gonna just love washing it off. It takes lightyears.
Girl II (moans)
Girl III ouch ! (she shakes her right hand in the air with a painful look on her face) I cut myself a few days ago and the glue makes the scar sting.
Boy II And it makes your hands are dry too. Last time I worked on the decors, I had dry, red plaques on my hands. Hurts like hell.
Girl II (laughing) You need to work on your resistance, boy.

Scene II
We're at Girl II's home. She is in her bathroom, in front of her hot water filled sink.
She plunges her hands in the water

Girl II (shrieks)

So yeah, um, anyway, my hands are killing me. Never saw skin as red as that.

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