Friday, May 24, 2002

Continued from below - the friendship is a two-way street thing - and partly responded to Tweety's view of things :

You all should know by now what I think of that "he's different from everyone else" crap.
CRAP !!! I don't believe that. We're all the freakin' same, we're human beings, we're living in the same society, we're following the same rules - there's no such thing as a "different" being. I'm not different from you. You're just like me. We might have different values, habits and ways of thinking - but deep down, we're the same. You wanna be cared about. But hey. So do I.

I never was at ease with you - and I know why. How can you be friends with someone who never tells you anything about them ? I read that somewhere and I liked it : I don't wanna know what happened to you today - I want to know what you think of what happened to you today.

I guess I'm just getting tired of coming after someone who really doesn't give a damn about me. Because you don't. All that matters to you is your own damn life. My damn life isn't that cool and interesting, but you could at least ask. I'm getting tired to trying to forgive and care about and be friends with someone who only cares about themselves.
Was there a single time you asked me how I was doing ? How anybody else was doing ?
Yes, I am glad to know what's happening to you - but it's always the same old story, and I'm not even sure what to believe anymore.

And I can't care about ghosts. And I won't care about ghosts who expect me to know and remember every detail of their life when they can barely remember who I am.

That really tops it all, you know. I feel bad when I ask 20 times the same question to a friend - but that's me, I don't remember things. And I don't feel bad when I ask 2 or 3 times the same question to someone I'm not close to. And you can't be offended if I don't know something you never told me about.

What upsets me even more is that it's either "take me or leave me" with you. I don't think you're a god and a genius ? Then you'll leave, because it's not me that matters here - it's having someone to impress, someone who will think you're a god and a genius.
Heh. You're not.
Why do you run in terror screaming when people seem to turn on you for no reason ? You don't even try to have them hear you out. Because they don't matter that much to you.

I hate fake stuff.
And when you're trying to impress an audience - you're being fake.

I don't hate you, but I've just had it. I'm done with trying.

I really hope you wake up one day. And I hope it's soon enough not to lose everything.

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