Thursday, June 13, 2002

I was thinking of starting another blog that would only be about my trip of next summer. Then I changed my mind. I'll talk about it here. :)
Tweety's gone with all my documentation, and I miss it terribly already. *sigh* Can't wait to receive the rest of it. Although it won't be that useful, because every stop is pretty much already planned... But I'm still gonna have a blast reading it all.

So. Where we're at now :
Of course we all remember that we need a car to travel - which I don't have. Tweety's parents thought we could get to Edmonton in train and rent a car there, but after e-mailing one company there (got to love the internet, huh ?), it won't be possible. You have to be at least 21 to rent the car, and if you're younger than 25, there's an extra 12$ a day you have to pay for their own personnal enjoyment. (no, I mean it. The person who replied to me didn't say what was the reason. I'm convinced they use that money for their Christmas party. Yeah, anyway.)
Thing is, at home, we already have two cars and a pick-up truck. Only one is functionning well enough to risk travelling all accross Canada, though - and this one costs a fortune in fuel. Still, for now, we really don't need another car, and since Quartz doesn't have the money to buy a very good car, her father decided to try and buy a very recent damaged car that he'll fix. Then I'll use it for the one month I'll be traveling with Tweety, and when I get home, my father will sell it.
For instance, today, we saw this 2002 Saturn that the guy would sell us 6900$, my father says there's about 1000$ more to spend on it. Afterwards, he could sell it for a lot more. The only thing is, though, the insurance is gonna cost a lot, but my father said I could probably pay the insurance each month, so after I'm back from my trip, we cancel the insurance and I'll have spent, like, 200-300$ or something. Quoique, Tweety, vu qu'on va conduire autant l'une que l'autre dans ce mois-là, et que nous, on gardera pas ce char-là après, je suis en train de me demander si ça vaudrait pas la peine de se diviser le prix de l'assurance de ce mois-là à nous deux...

I am so excited after reading all those brochures about all there is to see out West, I can't wait to depart !
I tell you, Tweety returns on Sunday, so sometime next week, we're gonna look at the places we're gonna go and where we're gonna stop...
From what it is right now, we would leave from here and then stop at Ottawa, Sudbury, Sault-Ste-Marie, in Ontario. I so was disappointed when I saw that going to Toronto and Niagara Falls would be too much of a detour. Then, there isn't anything to see until Winnipeg, so the way I see it, we could drive until there in one shot, alternating the drivers.
After Winnipeg, it would be Regina, then Calgary and Banff, Vancouver and Victoria. After that, it'd be Jasper and Emonton, maybe some place in Ontario, and then back home. How many of you guys want a post card ? ;)

I can't wait !!!

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