Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Latest hits from search engines :
"Downloade musical Aida" - from google in some language that looks like german !
"what song lyrics am i not pretty enough is my heart not bro"

Other than that, I'm starting to feel really tired, so I'll be heading towards my bed very soon.

Et finalement, je ne crois pas avoir le cancer du côté gauche - le cancer des glandes sudoripares du côté gauche, seulement. C'est pas si pire. Peut-être que je vais mourir bientôt.

Oh, and before I go, I am really troubled, because I was convinced I knew who had received that "someone has a crush on you" e-mail thing, and it turns out that I was wrong. Thing is, there aren't that many guys who have my e-mail address, and I'm starting to be really troubled about who it might be !

So yeah, I'm going to bed now. :)

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