Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Hey !
What just happened to Blogger ?
It looks just like it did before now !
(I mean before as in before they changed it the first time...)
Although I was using the Lofi version at home, they said. Maybe I don't have to use it with the computer here. Anyway. Can I start over ?

Hey guys !
My roomate just told me (actually, it was over an hour ago) that I could use her computer, so here I am !
It took me a hell of a while just to actually turn on the computer - she has both XP and Win 98 obviously, and as I'm not used to XP I tried to boot with Win98 but I couldn't get on the internet with it because the modem's not installed and all, so I had to boot with XP and then it didn't work and after a while I found my way around things and got on !
Then I opened AOL (which I'm not used to either) (and I don't like it) and checked my e-mails - and damn I just remember I forgot to check who it is that signed my guestbook.

Anyways, I'll check after writing here.
So, I moved in and it feels good. My roomate is really nice, the place is cosy and once I put everything in my room in its place, I felt totally at home.
I had 3 classes yesterday (and none today, notice how I managed my schedule to have as many free days as possible) and it wasn't so bad. All 3 teachers were really nice - and it's wonderful not to have any science class !
The only class I think that will have me go crazy will be the English Writing one, because I just remembered yesterday that I never had any grammar class in English. Ever. So although I know how the syntax of a sentence works and everything, I have no idea how to name everything. For example, yesterday, the teacher talked about an "independant clause" (or so I think was the expression). I deduced it was the same as what in French we call "proposition indépendante" but still ! Think of all the things I have to learn now !
Even worse : French writing and English writing are amazingly different. Simple examples : in French, when you end your text, you're supposed to "open" the door to a like subject, something the reader can start thinking about on his own. In English, if you do that, it's bad style. In English, you totally close the subject at the end. Another example is, in French you try to write pretty long sentences. In English, you don't.
This is all I know, but just think about what's still left to learn for me in only 4 months !
I'm not so nervous about it though, the teacher seemed very nice and open about things, so I'm sure I'll make it. (Blind confidence. How cute, 'nit ?)

J'ai aussi eu mon cours sur le Théâtre Contemporain Québécois et ça s'annonce très très intéressant, je sens que je vais beaucoup aimer ! En plus, et c'est ici que je vais rendre Tweety jalouse... Il faut que j'aille voir une pièce de théâtre québécois au cours de la session pour remettre une critique à la fin de novembre. Et on joue tellement Zone, de Marcel Dubé à la fin octobre !
Alors je m'en vais voir Zone ! Je suis toute contente !

J'allais arrêter là-dessus, mais il faut avant que je chiale parce que son clavier est mal configuré ! Et il est aussi pas pareil que le mien, je sais pas d'ou il sort (bordel il est ou son maudit accent grave ????) pourtant il est français, mais bon, les guillemets anglais ne sont pas ou il est écrit qu'ils sont (pourquoi tout d'un coup j'ai si besoin d'un accent grave, là ? Ya le è et le à qui sont sur leur piton à part, mais l'accent grave tout seul, lui, n'a pas l'air d'exister !!!) et puis ensuite le @, entre autre, n'est pas à la même place que je suis habituée.
En gros, je vais encore me remettre à ne plus pouvoir taper. Non mais en revenant du voyage, en m'étant servi d'un clavier anglais seulement quoi, 5 fois, maximum, j'ai eu de la misère, à faire mes travaux ici pendant un an, vous allez complètement me perdre !

Bon, maintenant j'arrête, je dois vérifier le site du voyage, aller sur celui de l'Université et aller checker mon guestbook avant 5 heures parce que je vais chercher mon chum !

Je redescends chez moi pour vendredi matin, à la prochaine !

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