Monday, March 08, 2004

So here is the beginning of Extremely Frustrating Story. I only have 15 minutes, and I think it's better if I just type a little at a time anyway.

So. Background info : as you might know, our (as in Peanut and I) appartment is a sublet. My old roommate let it to us when she moved out in January. We've given her all the checks until July, dated on the 28th of each month, so she would have the money when her checks to the landlord would be cashed, on the 1st of each month.

She called us last Sunday, the 29th, saying she had passed the check in an ATM on the 26th, and now the money had been taken away from her account, as she had tried to cash it too soon. She couldn't wait until her bank returned it to her, as the money needed to be in her checking account for the next day. We agreed to write her another check, and she said she would send us the returned check.

On March 3rd, Peanut saw 20$ being removed from his account for "returned item" and such. He called the bank, and they explained to him that basically, Old Roommate tried to screw us and tried to cash both checks.

Examining the last operations in his account, we saw that the check that was cashed first was the one O. R. supposedly had tried to cash on the 26th. Then the next day, the second check went through, but could not be cashed because Peanut did not have the money in his account, so they returned her that check, and charged 20$.

I was extremely mad and I e-mailed her, saying that we would do all we could to make her pay for that. I couldn't call her because she does not answer her cell phone before 6 at night, at which time I was in class.

Then of course I left for New York.

And she called Peanut, freaking out, saying that it wasn't her fault. She said that the first check was sent back to her bank, who, instead of sending it back to her, cashed it. Then she cashed the second check, not knowing that the first one had finally passed already. So it all would be the bank's mistake. (Please note that I am doubtful)

So now SHE is fucking mad because I thought she'd tried to rob us. Because OF COURSE she would never have believed that in my place.

We wanted to go, the three of us to her bank to basically yell at them - because now, because of that damn thing, Peanut has a bad credit. Which wouldn't be so bad if he was not 20 and barely STARTING his fucking credit. But O.R. doesn't want that. She wants to take care of it, and she says that bad note on his credit doesn't matter. She hasn't even tried to prove to us that what she argues is true. I mean damn it, I just need to see the last operations in her account ! I just need to go to the bank and hear it for myself ! And then I fucking need to have them apologize and try to make it up to us. Is that not simple enough ?

So I AM WRONG because I wrote the e-mail (note what a devoted boyfriend I have, not even standing up for me when I am gone and just agreeing to everything), and I AM WRONG because I was mad, and I AM WRONG because SHE IS WRONG.

So yeah. Fuck you all.

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