Thursday, August 12, 2004

It's over now.

The teacher talked just long enough for me to superficially go through all my Glamour magazine, and then we left to have a drink. Again, I was forced to eat (:P) a little and what was really funny is this girl drove me home and for once in my fucking life I actually talked about stuff. Which I don't, I usually write it down or keep it to myself - although I must admit all I said tonight I had already told myself a million times and it all felt like long-gone issues.

Maybe it's the alcohol ;)

I'm really in the mood for one of those long, thought posts, but I've just been interupted because Peanut has come home - I thought I was going to be alone.

Anyways. Funny realization of the day is that some people I hang out with at school highly remind me of people I used to know or don't get to see so often.

I have stuff to say.
Been listening to Ally McBeal's soundtrack number 2, Heart and Soul, and it's funny, because when the series ended, I could relate to Ally so much, it just felt like she was me and now I am not her anymore. It's kind of sad because I liked being her, and I probably would have to wonder if I'm happier changed. That would probably have to be a yes since I've been much happier in the last year than I was before the series finale aired.
But I really don't like having to say yes to that.

I might be going to class next Wednesday. We'll be receiving our terminology exam, which isn't exactly something I care about - once it's done, it's done and I don't wanna hear about it - but some people will be there and we thought we could all go have lunch together afterwards. Still have to see if I'll be working or seeing Tweety (t'as des nouvelles pour le Fort Lennox ?).

Il faut que je me souvienne de parler du trajet en ville, jusqu'au cours, avec Émilie, qui devrait me mériter un T-Shirt clamant J'ai survécu au stress contagieux d'Émilie.

I'll be back tomorrow.
Hopeful feeling a bit more hyper, and things I type might make sense.

So it's over now.

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