Monday, October 25, 2004

Today is a very sad day, folks.

Today, around 4:30, our dear little cute friend, Sam the dalmatian bobbin head dog, was brutally killed. We all knew he was gonna die one day, but nobody expected his death to be so sudden, and especially, so violent.

As I witness, I will say, if it may help ease your pain, that he didn't have time to suffer as his murderer tore his head apart very swiftly : Sam never saw it coming. (I must admit that I did, but anyway)

You all may send your words of anger, despair and pain to me : I will be delighted to forward them to Alex, the killer of this story.

However, folks, rest reassured that Sam will not be forgotten : his spirit will live on through whatever next bobbin head dog Alex gets me as an apology. ;)

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