Thursday, December 16, 2004

Funny, funny morning.

1. Quartz gets on MSN. Jillian is there, and she tells Quartz that Patrizia's b-day is next week (Patrizia being my supervisor and one of the boss), therefore everybody is giving money and they bought her a palm pilot as well as a card that everybody is signing. They also got a cake, which they plan to bring out during lunch time, when everybody is out to the restaurant. As Quartz was also invited to the restaurant with them, Jillian asks her if she wants to participate to the gift. Agreed.
2. Phone rings. Quartz picks up : it's Patrizia, saying that Daniel's b-day is next Sunday. Therefore, could Quartz pick up a birthday card on her way to the Foundation so everybody could sign it and we could give it to him at the restaurant ? (Daniel would be cutest-little-occasionally-French-excerpting-thing) Of course. This is getting exciting.
3. Quartz leaves for the Foundation. Makes stop at the nearest pharmacy. No English birthday cards. Damn it. What sort of discrimination is that ?
4. Next stop : mall's pharmacy. No English cards at all. It's not discrimation : it's a conspiracy.
5. Next stop : Hallmark. That's an English store name. They can't not have English cards there.
6. Quartz is looking so agitated at the cash that the old lady before her tells her : "honey, you look in such a hurry, please go before me." Quartz thanks her endlessly, although she's already late.
7. Quartz gets to Foundation. Huge subtlety try to get everybody to sign both Patrizia's and Daniel's card without none of them noticing.
8. Get to restaurant. Daniel asks for "a moment of attention, s'il-vous-plaît" (yes, the French bit was just for me, can you get any cuter, please ?) We offer card to Patrizia, totally stunned. Offer card to Daniel, a little less stunned.

Fun times.

Other than that, we've eaten so much at the restaurant that there's no way I can have anything more today. Sad thing is, I haven't had dinner last night either, and it doesn't take much for me to get used to not eating so tomorrow night, I really need to get food into my belly.

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