Friday, November 18, 2005

Pour commencer par le commencement,
hier soir ma partner d'espagnol m'a traînée dans un club pour nous apprenions à danser la salsa. Elle avait par contre oublié que le jeudi, les cours que le dit club donne sont des cours avancés. J'ai bien voulu essayer, mais dès le deuxième mouvement j'étais perdu. Je me suis rassise très rapidement. Ma partner a continué un peu, mais nous avons conclu que nous allions nous ridiculiser devant la classe. Pas grave. En tk, moi, ça ne me dérange pas.

I got out of the dentist's office an hour and a half ago. I was supposed to have 3 teeth filled, I ended up having 4. I spent the whole hour in the dentist chair shaking like an idiot. She was a little traumatized, as much as I tried to control it I couldn't do it for more than a few seconds... I don't know why I was shaking, it's not like I was scared of the dentist or anything. I just hate being numb. I actually hate when my lower lip is numb. I keep biting my tongue and my mouth. God I hate it. It's been numb for two hours and a half now, and without a doubt, this is when I feel the shittiest and the most miserable.
Luckily my tongue is starting to tingle a little, meaning in about an hour everything should be back to normal.... or so I hope.

As a consequence,
I haven't been able to eat anything today so far. I've eaten a lot yesterday so I wasn't hungry this morning and self-awareness has reminded me that it is never a good idea to eat or drink when you can't freely move your lips.

And also,
adjusting is never easy. It beats me how I seem to be the only one to see that. All proportion are doubled, at least doubled, when you're adjusting. It's all about taking a deep breath and dealing. Adjustment periods never make you a good judge, and never allow you to make sound decisions. Things are never as bad as they look in an adjustment period.

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