Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Wow, how unbelievable! I've been accumulating all the books I had to buy for my courses in Uni for over 2 years... wondering what the hell I would do with them. Eventually, last year, I signed them up for the University Buy Back alert, meaning I entered their ISBN and the University is supposed to e-mail when they're buying any of them back. And amazingly, I had an e-mail in my inbox this morning, telling me I could see three books! That would mean between 40$ and 50$ in my pocket, which would be nice.... So I'll probably show up at the bookstore next week.

Other than that, it just occured to me that I have two exams in two days, meaning I really need to get those notions in my head pretty much today so tomorrow I just need a little review. Argh.

Other than that, the other night we watched Polar Express, which was pretty cute although it traumatized me because a particular song in its soundtrack, that is played over and over again in the movie, closely resembles the Phantom of the Opera's Music of the Night.

Sinon, j'ai pas encore réussi à rattrapper le sommeil que j'ai manqué avant-hier... Suis allée me coucher entre minuit et une heure alors que ça faisait déjà plusieurs heures que la tête me tournait (ma motivation a des peaks; parfois j'arrive à rien, d'autres fois, j'arrive à étudier ma traductique alors que tout tourne autour de moi) - heureusement que je ne me pointe pas à mon cours d'aujourd'hui.

Il faut vraiment que je commence à penser à mes cadeaux de Noël.... j'ai vraiment l'inspiration à zéro cette année.... Au secours !

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