Saturday, May 13, 2006

This is not love. It's fear and despair. It's the best you can do with lies. It's the best you can do without having learned what it is to care about somebody other than yourself. It's all so clear. After all, love is nourrished by truth.

I know what you said - no, I didn't do that, I was always the calm one quietly sitting and not moving an inch and letting things happen - because you were desperate to cover your ass... but I also know what you said before that, and how proud you were to take up as much space as possible.

If, at least, you had been honest enough to stop lying to everybody's face at some point, things would be different. But you weren't - no matter what the evidence, you were just like those convicted killers who keep claiming their innocence.

Deny all you want, but it won't erase anyting. I can read, too, and I'm not as blind as you'd like me to be, as you generally like people to be. Stay in the bubble you like pulling people into and make them miserable, I don't care.

What I can say is, some of you have huge problems.
You'll test people instead of having an honest conversation.
You'll lie even when confronted by truth.
You'll spy and say it's trust.
You'll keep acting as you always have and deny there was ever anything to it.
You'll keep focusing on yourself and how extraordinary you are.
You'll keep denying everything you don't want to be real.
I can also say that you haven't seen half of what your crazy mind has made up.

And what you're so afraid of, it's going to happen again, unless it never was interrupted, unless it already has been happening again.

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