Saturday, June 17, 2006

When you get so close, ie barely two months away, to the "real world", that is, the end of your schooldays and the beginning of the rest of your life, or your working days, especially when you've got no question about the period in between, it is pretty astounding as you begin to see all those things you will get to do.

I put a period there so the Association Against the Overuse of Commas wouldn't sue me, but I sure could've gone on in the same sentence.

In other words, you become aware that you're very soon going to be able to do all those things you always promised yourself you'd do when you got out of school, because then you'd have time.

I can already hear Rob disagree and listing the amazing number of things he'd do if he didn't have to work.

And I already know of many things I'm going to do when I'm out of school, like catching up with all those books I haven't had time to read, and going back to the writing world, to that idea I had (I want to link but I can't find the post).

D'ailleurs, Tweety, j'ai trouvé ça super drôle l'autre jour quand j'étais chez mes parents, j'ai vu dans le catalogue de Québec Loisir un roman qui s'intitule Verglas et qui a un vague lien avec le verglas de 1998... Pff ! C'est moi qui ai eu l'idée en premier !

Et parlant d'écriture, vous savez (probablement pas) que je suis présentement un cours sur la littérature actuelle et plus ça va, plus je me reconnais dans ce qu'on nous enseigne. Évidemment, je ne me compare pas aux auteurs modernes mais depuis le temps que j'écris, je crois pouvoir dire que j'ai un style et c'est troublant de voir qu'il se rattache bel et bien avec une partie du courant actuel.

And finally, I am pretty sad because today is the second day I feel like sitting outside to read a book. Unfortunately, I can't, because I am saving the last book I bought for when we have time to waste in Madrid. There's also this book I want to read I could get at the library, but I'm pretty sure I won't have time to read it before I have to start studying for my finals this week. I'm thinking I might re-read The Lovely Bones though, because it's just plain awesome and this is just what I want to do with words.

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