Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This morning, I:
A. bought my home insurance and made a total fool out of myself when I said I wanted a monthly payment to be taken directly from my bank account and then couldn't find in what damn box I packed my checks. I chose a different payment plan in the end... and then I remembered where my checks are. I shut up because I thought I had already looked stupid enough for one day.
B. did some more packing.
C. went out to my car to get the 6 boxes my father gave me yesterday. While I was there, I figured I might as well take my computer boxes out of the locker. So I spent many very long minutes moving bikes, tires and golf clubs around in order to get all my boxes out. Then I spent many very long minutes taking all them boxes up to my appartment. I must've been a hell of a show for all the neighbors.
D. I packed my scanner and my printer.
E. made two phone calls in order to make two more adresse changes.

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