Friday, April 20, 2007

Two things:

A. It seems Trip to Tunisia has become official this morning. This is most definitely the kind of randomness I like!
B. Quartz's Song would be very interested in having readers' opinions on this one: do you guys think it's a good idea for a single girl to move in with a couple? DraG had offered me to once upon a time, and I had declined because I couldn't see how it could be a good setting. The opportunity is presenting itself to me again - except we're talking about a house, and not an appartment, this time. Could it work? Is it risky? Am I headed for disaster yet again?


Anonymous said...

I would definitely consider renting with people before buying. If it doesn't work out, you can always move out of an apartment, but you don't want to get stuck with a mortgage payment and no roommates to help pay it if they decide to bail on you and you don't want them driving you out of a place you still have to pay for. If you do buy a house with other people, make sure you have your own lawyer looking out for your interests and making sure every detail of who pays what and when is spelled out in writing and that your butt is covered if the others default.

Mylène said...

Ok.. en dehors de tous les côtés légaux décrits par Rob, ben moi je déconseille de rester avec un couple. En tant que célibataire c'est chiant un couple. On a beau les aimer fort fort et s'entendre très bien avec eux ben.. eux ils vont vivre leur vie de couple devant toi... tu assistes à pleins de trucs qui t'appartiennent pas, genre les chicanes et tu veux leur laisser leur espace, mais c'est ta maison quand même à toi aussi et tu as le droit d'y vivre. Mais s'ils veulent se faire une soirée télé ..ben tu te sens très mal de venir te foutre dans leur face. En plus, ils sont deux.. alors ils gagnent toujours dans les "discussions d'appart "... Enfin, bon, je dois aller à mon cours, mais bref, moi j'irais pas juste avec un couple. Un couple et une autre persone, ok.. juste le couple, non.

Quartz said...

I thought I should mention we're mainly considering renting, not buying.

All other opinions welcome. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

If you're renting, then no biggy. Renting a house is little different than renting an apartment except you get more space and fewer jerks living in the building. :)