Thursday, May 17, 2007

1. Maridi et moi avons essayé une recette tirée du site Web de Coup de pouce hier soir. On a failli mourir de faim le temps de la préparer, mais bon. On a obtenu quatre portions, ce qui fait qu'on a le même lunch aujourd'hui. Je nous trouve vraiment cutes.
2. It's been two days and I already loathe having to rush in the morning in order to have time to do those physiotherapy exercizes. However, because getting up earlier than 6:30 isn't an option - in my world, there is absolute nothingness until 6:30 in the morning, thank you - I don't really have a choice.
3. The physiotherapist gave me permission to do any physical activity I feel like doing, as long as I do those two stretching exercizes I already have to do twice a day before AND after each activity. If this is supposed to be a deterrence technique, let me tell you it works wonders - motivation to show up to dance class tonight is very low right now, purely because I don't wanna spend my life stretching.
4. Today's Thursday and - knock on wood - I'm still in a good mood. Yippy!

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