Thursday, May 10, 2007

Peanut has officially become my personal graphic designer, it seems.

He's the one who modified the stitched pic of Tweety and I at Wanuskewin Heritage Park (on the homepage of Vers l'infini) to erase all landscape inconsistencies in the background.

He also modified a logo I had drafted in Paint for a team project in Uni.

Then he designed Supra Toaster.

Lately, he also manually stitched together two distinct pictures of Tweety and I in Central Park, which I planned to put together using the stitching software I have at home. He did it himself before I got around to trying myself, though.

And now he's decided Quartz's Song needed a banner and he's working on it.

Des services professionnels gratuits de graphisme contre deux tables de chevet, ça me va. C'est sans doute moi qui en sors gagnante, en réalité !


Fatrus said...

cool merci pour la pub ;) (en meme temp si il en a d'autre qui on besoin de quoi que ce soit ;) )

d'ailleur j'aime bien le petit text, j'y avais pensé mais j'aurais pas cru que ca aurais fait l'affaire ;)

Mylène said...

Oh ! Est-ce que je peux l'avoir moi aussi la photo stichée de nous deux à Central Park.... please, please, please !!!

Quartz said...

Tweety : te l'envoyer fait partie de mes plans !