Saturday, June 23, 2007

Last week, my manager e-mailed all new translators, asking us to consider taking law classes next fall, maybe as part of a Law Certificate, in order to help us in our work.

Now, I have no idea exactly what the terms would be - what would be paid for and whether or not we'd get days off to study. We're probably gonna be discussing this with the manager next week.

The weird thing about this is I'd actually considered becoming a lawyer at some point, and then decided Law was certainly too much work for me. It's also pretty weird that it would so happen that taking classes would not interfere with the two trips I've got planned for September and May. It wouldn't interfere with dance class, either.
I mean, how many signs does a girl need?

My main problem with this is time. Of course. I seriously doubt I'll ever get over my issues with time; I'm a little more at peace with it, but right now, seeing my birthday coming very fucking quickly is making me go crazy, and yes, I am still as scared of the time I have on my hands as I am of the time I am running out of, or fearing running out of. And completing a certificate by taking two classes a year takes five years.

We are entitled to education leave, though. Which could work wonders - I'd like to complete a few courses by studying part-time, and then finish up the certificate as a full-time student on education leave.

This is crazy. I was so happy to be finished with school last year. I swore I was never going back!

Of course, I'm not making any official decision until we've talked this out with our manager. I could very well take a few classes without completing an actual certificate. But still.

Need I ever mention again that my life is happening all on its own, without any intervention on my part? This is yet another example of how Opportunities I Can't Say No To But Never Wanted To Pass Me By keep knocking on my door unexpectedly.

I'll keep you guys posted.

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