Saturday, June 26, 2010

In the last months, something quite weird started happening at my parents'. First, the home phone rings, and the caller ID displays "long distance". When my Mom picks up, there's not a sound on the line. She hangs up, and a few moments later, it's my Dad's cell phone that starts ringing. Caller ID says "no number", and there's nothing to be heard on the line when my Mom picks up.

Weird indeed, and we're quite thankful that my Dad was still alive when it happened for the first time, because it would be quite freaky otherwise.

The calls had stopped, but they started again this week, so I googled a little to try to make sense out of them. I found nothing very conclusive, but it seems it could be a voip call. Except that my parents never used a voip service, and even so, why is it the call doesn't seem to go through?

Any ideas?


Isa Rock On!! said...

Peut-être quelqu'un qui a voIP qui essaie d'appeler sans succès.

Ça arrive souvent quand j'essaie d'appeler quelqu'un (j'ai voIP) que l'appel ne fonctionne pas. Donc, si l'appelle ne fonctionne pas, la personne essaie ensuite sur le cellulaire...

Quartz said...

Ça a du sens. Ce qui me trouble, cependant, c'est que ça ne fonctionne jamais, jamais, jamais. Faut croire que ya quelqu'un de très malchanceux avec son service!!!