Thursday, November 10, 2016

Bon. J'ai pas parlé de la victoire de Trump hier parce que j'avais besoin d'une journée pour faire semblant que c'était pas arrivé.

Mais encore aujourd'hui, je me contenterai de dire qu'il y a deux choses qui me tuent, dans l'histoire :

1. Tout d'abord, le faible taux de votation. Parce que la lutte était serrée, et que la perspective que Trump gagne n'a pas suffi à pousser qui que ce soit à aller voter.
2. Puis, le simple fait qu'ils ont préféré Trump à une femme. Parce que c'est clair que pour beaucoup, juste ça, c'était assez pour voter Trump.


Rob said...

I can't speak for other voters, but I voted against both Trump and Clinton. I don't like either of them at all. Never have. And I don't want either of them to be President. It's not because of gender, either; if Elizabeth Warren had been the Democratic nominee, I'd have voted for her. Clinton, however, is just as much of a war-mongering, corporate-owned scum as Trump.

Quartz said...

Oh, I certainly get how you and many other voters might not want either Clinton or Trump as president. And I completely respect that. I also know that gender wasn't a consideration for many Americans. But the truth is, it was for a lot of you, too (to be clear, I'm not saying it would have been different if that election had taken place here, gender would clearly have been an issue for many Canadians as well). I just feel like the result would have been different if voters had actually turned up and all candidates had been male. And it sucks.