Tuesday, January 10, 2017


It's beautiful.

It's beautiful because it's not history repeating itself. Not really, and well, not at all.

It's beautiful because there is no game. And no excuses. It's beautiful because it's simple.

It's beautiful because the decisions didn't even need making, they were just an inescapable conclusion. It's beautiful because it shines a new light on my horizon and how complete and blissful it is - and how much it is exactly what I want.

It's beautiful because it's clear.

It's beautiful because it's just watching the sports cars, and enjoying the race. And waiting until they slow down, because they will, and even that is part of what makes it all the more beautiful.

It's beautiful because it's easy.

And it's beautiful because when the race is over, everything will still be in the same place and then I can continue to rely on that perfection that would not exist if not for the parallelism.

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