Saturday, February 11, 2017

On the constant application of Murphy's Law in everyday life - at least mine -

Take advantage of the alone time you get while your significant other is taking the kids to swimming class to walk (because said significant other needs the car in order to achieve aforementioned "taking to swimming class") to the grocery store in order to return the recalled baby puree pouches you have - this one is actually pretty impressive as it is a simultaneous double application of Murphy's Law, because you NEVER buy those pouches, except once a year when you use them as snacks when traveling.

Successfully return four pouches, which you took out of your suitcase the previous night, in the dark, because you were too lazy to turn on the light. Walk to a second store to get other pouches and some other stuff. Walk back home. Take the new pouches upstairs to put them in your suitcase - and find two more recalled pouches in there that you'd forgotten you had and did not see because you didn't turn on the light....


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