Friday, November 17, 2017

A colleague of mine just discovered my Easy button (and yes, if you're wondering, I am aware how this sounds and will be figuring out a way to phrase it differently next time). He felt compelled to press on it just to see what it did, and had a blast when he discovered it actually spoke. He considered taking it with him in drafting sessions and I confirmed I would happily lend it to him if necessary. In all the 5+ years I've had that button in my office, he's clearly the person who enjoyed that button the most.

Et comme il s'agit du collègue à qui j'ai lancé un sacre de façon tout à fait inappropriée il y a quelques mois, cette séance de déconnage m'a rassurée et je crois que je vais pouvoir mettre l'épisode derrière moi...

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