Wednesday, September 12, 2018

While crossing an intersection on my pedestrian light, I nearly got hit by a pickup truck that was turning left on the street I was crossing. When I yelled out a "fuck!" and gave the driver a puzzled look, she pointed behind me at the closed sidewalk I was emerging from. Now, I won't get into the reasons why I was using that closed sidewalk because they don't matter. All that matters is that there were three of us crossing the street and humankind is very depressing when dumb ladies, instead of apologizing for almost killing you, seemingly imply that they don't even look before they turn left because pedestrians are worth more points when they're not supposed to be there. For crying out loud.

This morning,
When I merged onto a bike lane after properly yielding to any cyclists, I found myself face to face with another cyclist that was using the wrong lane - and he was not passing anyone. He let out a "woah" while we simultaneously braked and avoided each other, and it seriously pissed me off because you don't get to show any sign of surprise when the incident is a result of your own stupid action.

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