Tuesday, November 13, 2018

In case you were waiting for an update, I did order a new toddler carrier. (Now I really need to sell those two wraps that never get any use anymore.)

The baby carrier shopping experience is not quite the same when said baby is now 3. As in, it used to me he didn't get a choice in the type or design of the carrier. Now, he does. Or he thinks he does. Or he think he should. As in, somehow, Bout d'Chou was adamant he needed an all-black carrier. Which was not an option for various reasons: 1. any dirt on it will instantly show; 2. it will be freaking hot; 3. black is so boring (and there goes my resale value); 4. a much nicer carrier was $30 less.

Of course, all those reasons did not faze Bout d'Chou. So after much deliberation, Coco agreed to take ownership of the new carrier, while Bout d'Chou would take Coco's current carrier.

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