Friday, February 01, 2002

I'll repeat it : I hate snow !
Took me an hour and 10 minutes to drive up to school this morning. *So* nice.
Had a stats class, with the idiot teaching the class who taught us that periods go at the end of sentences. And that sentences start with a capital letter. And plenty of other stuff of that kind. It was so stupid it actually was funny.
I really don't like stats. It's not that hard, it's all a matter of logic - contrary to those damn derivatives and all that came with it - but I go crazy over it. The first homework asked us to make the list of how many different hamburgers we could order at a restaurant (plain, with ketchup, etc...) No formula, no hint, no nothing, you just had to find all of them. There were 32 goddamn possibilities, you know ! I was totally stressed out, scared to leave one option out, and well, that's how I get for every stats homework !
Then I had French, with my sex-obsessed teacher (I mean it, we had 4 classes up until now, and there wasn't one that did not include an allusion to sex. Sca-ry. I mean... Sca-ry) who told us about humanism for a pretty long while, long enough, at least, for me to get mad at him ! I'm much closer to the existentialism philosphy, and well, humanism is pretty much all I disagree with. Very frustrating.
And then I had physics, only for an hour, with a very entertaining teacher, so it wasn't that bad.
French class triggered a lot of thinking about my own beliefs and stuff, and I posted that on my OD. I wanted to (edit it and) post it here as well, but for now I feel too lazy to open a new window to get to my entry, and then copy it, and then close the window, and then paste it here... Way too hard. So you'll have it another day. If at all. :)

Still hate snow.

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