Friday, February 15, 2002

There I am again, knowing I should go to bed, but not wanting to because I really don't want it to be tomorrow when I open my eyes. It happens so often it's almost pathetic now.

I still haven't finished reading my stats notes. I think I'm gonna fail the class. Yep, same pattern all over again. I really hate it, but it's come to the point that it's not that I don't want to study or work or whatever, it's just that I can't do it. Now I'll have to spend all tomorrow afternoon studying. And I have some information to read for my integration project.

I hate that I already know that the stats exam is gonna be hard. There's 30% of theory in it, the teacher said, and if our whole explanation and demonstration isn't perfect, it's worth 0 out of 10. Quite easy to fail, 'nit ? At least the teacher told us this morning that if he saw we had attended every class at the end of the semester and we finished the class with 55% or something, he would give us 60%. (He didn't say it like that, he twisted it to make it seem a little more legal, but that's what it meant.) So that's my hope.

I feel like piercing my tongue. It's weird, 'cuz I want to, 'cuz the more I think of it, the more I think it's beautiful, but at the same time, I really don't want to pierce it 'cuz it must hurt horribly. Although I'm told the belly hurts the most and I didn't think it was that bad when I got pierced. And anyways, I just don't wanna have my tongue pierced ! But I do. It's really weird. I swear I'm nuts. In case you were still wondering.

Today I learned that all the US don't have the same time as we do here. You'll tell me it's obvious, but I never would've figured it out by myself. The only places I've traveled to are Ontario and Florida. Where it's still the same time. So I just assumed the whole North America had the same time. Although if I had given it an actual thought, I prolly would've understood the logic of that by myself - and would've prevented myself the heart attack I had tonight. It's sad, really, I mean, everyone should know that.


Gotta go to bed.
Feel a bit better.
The sky won't crumble on my head if tomorrow comes I think.

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