Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Hey. I haven't written anything today :)

I just got online and was probably going to post something almost interesting, but I got assaulted with a ton of IM messages, so yeah, for once, I will write barely anything in one day !

I'm almost sure that I will get my hair dyed red next time I go to the hairdresser. Almost. My father doesn't agree, but he never does. Plus I've had the same hair color for over 6 months, which is a lot for me. I don't know. We'll see. The idea first came to me back in April, but I didn't think it was a good idea to change my hair color drastically because of the musical. And then at the end of May, I was in way over my head (finals - especially stats and a ton of nerve-wracking things happened at the same time) to care, and now, well, it would be a good time. Because the world hasn't crashed on my head yet, like it does every summer...

We'll see.

Je travaille demain, et ensuite j'ai congé jeudi et vendredi ! Yay !

Savez-vous quoi, je commence à avoir hâte d'avoir le foutu 19 ans, parce que j'assimile plus du tout le numéro 18.

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