Saturday, January 11, 2003

The self-acceptance show

Yes, that's right, my friends, I've decided to do my own Self-Acceptance Show ! I got this idea last night, and I think we'd all feel better by doing that.

We've all got flaws. Some bother us, some don't - yes, that's right, some just don't !
And when you hear my war cry "deal with it", it's because someone has encountered one of the flaws I know I have and really don't care about. So I decided to make a list of those flaws, adding them to the list and they come to my mind, and who knows, by the end of the year, I just might discover I'm not that perfectionnist after all.


1. I'm hyper, and I'm loud. (most of the time)
2. I'm not a nice person. I am not nice to people. I actually don't like people.
3. I speak fast.

This is the start, more to come, enjoy.

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