Wednesday, August 20, 2003

I don't know what's insconsciously going on with me lately...

I mean I don't feel any different, but -

I've been having the weirdest dreams, and while I usually sleep pretty quietly, the last week or two, I wake up and my sheets are twisted all over the place, and now I have hives all over my cheeks and neck.

Yes, hives. This is what I've inherited from my mother's genes. Whatever.

It's not horrible hives, it took me a while to notice it, but it sure it. Last night I was searching for some cream to put on it, and found nothing but HydroCortisone. It's cortisone, ok, it's supposed to have a big effect, right ?
Wrong. This morning it's all still there, and the neck itches like a bitch.
My mother told me to take Claritin.

What's going on with me ?

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